Dive into the LinkedIn Ocean: Unleash Your Networking Superpowers Online!

I see you! You are a pro at schmoozing in person, but when it comes to online networking, you're feeling a little hesitant. Maybe you don’t even think it’s worth it. I get it. Stepping into the world of LinkedIn can be intimidating or maybe even feel like a waste of time, but trust me, it could be a way for you to use those networking skills on a much larger scale. 

Here’s the thing: not diving into LinkedIn is like avoiding a virtual pool party on a scorching summer day. So, grab your sunscreen and let’s chat about how you can make a splash by getting on LinkedIn.

If you are completely new to LinkedIn that’s ok, I’m guiding you through the features you can start with, like private messages, post comments, and likes, so you can get started faster. With these step-by-step instructions, you'll see that getting online is way better than staying offline and missing out on getting your networking tan on!

Step 1: Create Your LinkedIn Business Page

Visit LinkedIn's homepage and click on the "Work" dropdown menu.

  1. Select "Create a Company Page" and choose the appropriate company size option.

  2. Fill in the requested details about your business, including your logo, website, and a description of what your company exists to do.

  3. And, you’re done! You now have your own LinkedIn business page, ready to get your online network on.

Step 2: Dive into Private Messages

Private messages on LinkedIn may seem scary but think of it like going up to someone new at an event. These are your secret weapons for building meaningful connections and building your business online. Here's how to use them like a pro:

  1. Visit the profile of someone you want to connect with or send a message to.

  2. Click on the "Message" button.

  3. Craft a friendly, personalized message. I suggest introducing yourself, where you met in person if it’s relevant and then mention a shared interest to get the conversation started.

  4. Hit "Send" and wait for the networking magic to unfold! Be sure to check back or leave notifications on so you keep the conversation going in real time.

Step 3: Get Engaging in Post Comments

One of the most interactive features on LinkedIn is the ability to comment on posts and join conversations. Here's how to get in on the conversation:

  1. Scroll through your LinkedIn feed and find a post that resonates with you.

  2. Click on the "Comment" button below the post.

  3. Write a thoughtful comment that adds value to the discussion, showcases your expertise, or asks a relevant question. (Try to avoid comments that blend into the crowd like ‘I agree’).

  4. Engage with others who comment on the same post and start building those connections! (Social Media Hack: send a private message to another commenter to start a new connection.)

Step 4: Spread the Love with Likes

Likes get a bad rap because they are so simple, but they're a powerful way to show support and engage with others on LinkedIn. Spread the love by following these steps:

  1. Scroll through your LinkedIn feed and find a post that deserves a thumbs-up.

  2. Click on the "Like" button below the post to let the author know you appreciate their content.

  3. Keep an eye out for posts from your connections or potential clients, and give them a well-deserved thumbs-up. It’s as easy as that.

Step 5: Explore Other LinkedIn Features

LinkedIn offers an array of features to enhance your networking experience. Here are a few more you can try out:

  • Join relevant LinkedIn groups to connect with like-minded professionals.

  • Start sharing your own content, such as insights on industry trends or news, company success stories, or even website articles and blogs to position yourself as an expert in your field.

  • Celebrate the achievements of your connections by sending congratulations through comments or private messages.

Join LinkedIn

Bottom Line: You are going to have to get online at some point, might as well start today and watch your online network thrive! Taking the plunge into online networking can be scary. But remember, the longer you wait, the harder it becomes.

By creating your LinkedIn business page and utilizing features like private messages, post comments, and likes, you'll gradually build yours and your company’s online presence and expand your professional network. The LinkedIn ocean is teeming with opportunities just waiting for you to make a splash!

What are you waiting for? Get online, unleash your networking superpowers, and let LinkedIn be your ultimate platform for professional growth and success!


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