Not all Instagram posts are created equal

Do you want to know one of my biggest IG pet peeves? A new tool or media type is released and marketing companies and agencies sell the new tool as a miracle solution to all the things you’ve ever wanted on IG and haven’t been able to get.

We are seeing this happening right now with Reels. They are sold as the number one media type on IG to:

  • ‘Grow by 10K in a month’;

  • ‘Convert followers to customers’;

  • ‘Earn your first 5 figure month.’

Here’s the thing, Reels have a lot of great qualities, but anyone who says you can get everything you want on IG by simply posting Reels everyday, isn’t giving you the whole story.

The truth is that each different media type on IG serves your brand with a different purpose. Some are for selling, some for engagement, and others for building trust as a knowledge expert in your niche. To make it easier for you I am breaking down each of the tools you have access to on IG and how they can help you meet your goals.

Before you decide to create a post, think about what you’d like it to do for you. Set your goals first, and then decide which media type works best for that goal.

Hint: Try using all the different media types and see how they work for your audience. Generally speaking, a brand is more successful in building a genuine audience, growing an email list, converting followers into customers, and avoiding IG burnout by using multiple different media types.


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