Are hashtags worth it?

Hashtags are a hot and cold game at the moment. There is a constant stream of mixed messages about if using hashtags on your Instagram posts work or don’t.

So what’s the truth? Is it worth spending time developing hashtag sets? As much as I’d LOVE to say a hard yes or no, we need to cover one very important piece of information first.

NEVER hang your hat on a hashtag strategy. Content will always be the most important element in your marketing strategy. Make sure to focus on the content you are creating first; once you are able to create valuable content consistently, then you are ready to move onto some of the tricks to help boost your content, like hashtags.

Now, let’s get to the question you are here for… ‘Are hashtags worth it?” The short answer is yes, if you can find a strategy that lets you find hashtags quickly, post them, and move on. Don’t waste time on hashtags, but there is no need to abandon them all together.

One of the biggest mistakes I see creators make is using the same hashtag set on every post. The fact is, the keywords you use in your hashtags won’t apply to EVERY post you create. In order to give your hashtags the best chance to work for your brand is to vary the hashtags on each post

This doesn’t mean creating a new set for every post, I suggest spending an hour or two to create 3-5 different sets based on the type of content you like to post.

Follow this simple hashtag strategy I use for many of my clients that is efficient, simple, and makes sure you are squeezing as much reach as you can out of Instagram.

  1. Review your last 30 posts and write down up to 5 themes you posted about, these are called your content pillars. For example, my content pillars include Behind the Scenes, Inspiration, Hashtags, Content Scheduling, IG Updates.

  2. Use Hashtag Stack or to find 15 - 30 hashtags related to each content pillar. If you don’t have time to find a full 30 hashtag set, start with 15 and add more over time.

  3. Keep the hashtags you choose on the small size. Vary the size in each set from 50K to 300K tags.

  4. Create your content schedule by varying the pillars you identified, and use the appropriate hashtag sets when you publish.

I like to review hashtags sets every couple months, but if you don’t have time, check back in after six months and switch things up a bit. There is no need to create whole new sets, switch out up to half of the hashtags in each set to keep everything fresh.


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