The top 5 Instagram strategies that DON’T work

As an Instagram Content Manager I get asked a lot of questions about how to grow an audience on Instagram. While I don’t usually promote tactics to ‘get rich quick’ on Instagram, sometimes examining all the stories and rumours lets us learn important lessons.

I’ve been trying and testing Instagram strategies for a long time now, and I’ve found a few gems, but in general each creator and audience is unique and there are no ‘one size fits all.’ There are, however; a few strategies that just don’t work for anyone, and I’m breaking them down here.

  1. Random hashtag strategy - Please oh please, if you are going to spend even 10 seconds on hashtags, MAKE THEM COUNT! Too many times I’ve seen hashtags tacked onto a great post that actually end up hurting the post. There is a wrong way to use hashtags, and I don’t want you to make this mistake. Make sure you are using hashtags related to your niche and that every single one (no matter if you use 5 or 30) has been used 300K times or less.

  2. Follow for follow - I cannot believe I even have to say this but I STILL see people trying to build audiences by following accounts and hoping they follow back. The first thing a creator does when you follow them is check out your profile. If you are following way more accounts than those following you, it’s VERY obvious that all you want is a follow. On the flip side, if you get a new follower, don’t fall victim to the follow-follow back pressure. If you think they are only following you to encourage you to follow them, DON’T follow them unless you are genuinely interested in their content.

  3. Aesthetic grid only - Don’t get me wrong, a uniform feed helps guide an audience’s eye through your feed, but a beautiful grid will never make up for content that doesn’t offer any value. If you have a good understanding of your content strategy and pillars, have mastered the balance of selling vs. non-selling content for your audience, and are able to post consistently; THEN I suggest you move forward with a focus on aesthetics. Don’t let the beauty of your grid distract you from creating amazing content your audience will keep coming back for.

  4. Stay safe approach - Instagram is very proud of all the updates and features it has created. As much as it’s comfortable to stick with what we know, the best content strategies include a blend of multiple media types. This doesn’t mean that you have to create Reels, or you must go live everyday, however; if you completely refuse to try out new features you will miss out. New features usually come with a reach boost and an opportunity to learn something new. After all, everyone sucks at a skill when it’s new, why not suck at it along with everyone else.

  5. Building followers at all costs - I get it, we are all trying to find a way to build that amazing audience who loves us and wants to buy from us. However, a strategy I see often that makes me really sad is trying to get as many followers as possible at the expense of the followers already there. Take it from me, if you start spending more time nurturing your current followers and less trying to attract new followers you will experience a lot more success.

Now tell me, have you seen any of these strategies in the wild? Have you tried them yourself? Did any work for you?


Are hashtags worth it?


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